Chapter History
The Frontier FFA Chapter was founded in August of 2006 upon the opening of Frontier High School in Bakersfield, California. As the seventeenth high school in the Kern High School District, Frontier High School entered a strong agricultural community that was already familiar with the National FFA Organization through the FFA chapters at one of the twelve other programs in the area. On April 22nd, 2006, the Frontier FFA chapter became an official member of the National FFA Organization when it was presented with its charter at the 78th California State FFA Convention. The Chapter’s first agriculture teacher was Julie Beechinor. During the first few years, the agriculture department had only one agricultural teacher. Today the agriculture department has three teachers, and over 400 students in the program. During the chapter’s history, it has had many successes. Frontier FFA has produced one California State FFA Officer and multiple state level CDE winners. Kelcie Jones was our first state officer, and was elected as State FFA Secretary in 2012. In addition to state officer successes, the chapter has had a variety of winning proficiencies and successful CDE teams. Below, you will find a brief record of some of Frontier FFA's greatest achievements and accomplishments. Titan pride!
State Winners:
Agricultural Sales
Chad Bloom, Sarah Clark, Taylor Gatlin, Hannah Capetillo
Prepared Public Speaking
Kelcie Jones
3rd Nat'l
Cotton Juding
Alexis Diniz, John Montellano, Donovan Macias, Mallory Sutherland
Light Horse Judging
Sierra Hawkesworth, Callie Bassett, Kaitlin Nicholson, Elaine Elia
Agricultural Sales Team
John Monellano, Chas McPheeters, Josie Judge, Savannah Salters
Horse Judging​
Macee Stowers, Karina Coe, Joselyn Camp, Kara Stark
State FFA Degree Recipients:
Britteny Barnett, Robert Beechinor, Samantha Church, Leah Hicks, Rachel Hicks, Jayke Night
Hollie Bruce, Amanda Rudnick, Gina Holmes, Megan Silva, Thomas Banducci, Chelsea Morris, Lee Yanthis, Brandie Hall, Tiffany Pennington, Amber Marsh
Tino Rossi, Nick Hastin, Juan Bonilla, Kristen Silva, Shelby Bayne, Sarah Scheer, Marina Taylor, Johanna Rutledge, Shannon Barnett, Maranda Cantrell
Karah LaVerne, Kayla Manning, Shelby Forester, Morgan Love, Mariah Giddings, Justine Magallon, Cheyenne Safley, Sarah Schuler, Luis Carmona, Brooke Spickler, Kyrsten Steele, Garett White, Timothy Denny, Amber Butimore
Chad Bloom, Rae Ann Brown, Hannah Capetillo, Sarah Clark, Garrett Fien, Kelsey Fien, Taylor Gatlin, Brittney Gerez, Emily Goldsberry, Trevor Goldsberry, Hunter Harmon, Mallory Harrison, Sierra Hawksworth, Ashley Holden, Andrew Hudson, Kelcie Jones, Ivan Kosareff, Carson Pendley, MaKenzy Perdie, Lauren Silva, Cole Smith, Karlee Thompson, Logan Van Allen
Andrew Beard, Elaine Elia, Cameron Ford, Jasmine Giddings, Taylor Hardin, Hannah Havens, Tyler Manning, Alexis McGill, Kaitlin Nicholson, Destiny Rutledge, Samantha Sharp, Jordyn Scheer, Kristen Sokoloff, Brittany Whitesell, Madison Zittel, Laura Atwater, Wyatt Shaffer
Cheyenne Armisted, Megan Barber, Callie Basset, Jennifer Brant, Jaycie Fickle, Samantha Grey, Bailey Hall, Madison House, Taylor Howard, Kelsey Judd, Mike McCoy, Nick McCoy, Aaron Moccardin, Clarie Montellano, Jianna Munoz, Grant Rogers, Haylie Silva, Kristen Smith, Lexie, Smith, Amy White
Cara Huyck, Savannah Blackford, Haylee Brizik, Averi Burton, Harleigh Cateno, Parker Denny, Arceli Garcia, Alyssa Holden, Emily Hutchinson, Zane Jones, Sydney Manning, Micaela Palmer, Alorah Paris, Samantha Pitchard, Isaiah Storar, Mathew Guerra, Katie Schumacher, Hannah Streiff, Kailey McWhorter
Riley Barrera, Kody Beisel, Madeline Branford, Haylee Bruce, Taylor Cargill, Karina Coe, Cassidy Delattre, Raquel Escalante, Kaitlyn Garcia, Grant Harrison, Hannah Hawkesworth, Adelyn Hawkins, Starr Hibbits, Rhianna Horn, Brad Hudson, Nick Hudson, Tristan Hurley, Jenelle Karney, Koleby Keeland, Christopher Love, Laci Lowry, Madalyn Luter, Cassidy Mazzei, Sarah McClure, Joshua McHenry, Dominic Patino, Katelyn Priddy, Baylie Ruiz, Kara Stark, Dru Sutherland, Breanne VanNeman
Sarah Branford, Kolyn Cargill, Trenton Carter, Holly Cecil, Sage Clay, Presley Cortez, Yvette Flores, Bailey Furtado, Jordan Gatlin, Taylor Germanetti, Janae Gonzales, Nikolas Henry, Madison Hurst, McKenna Massey, Jessica McClure, Karson Mebane, Linda Navarro, Devin Palmer, Shannon Patterson, Kaitlynn Simpson, Mariah Walker, Megan Winkler, and Courtney Zachary
Lauren Barber, Sarah Bartel, Joslyn Camp, Payton Coontz, Lauryn Crist, Katelyn Diniz, Bailey Dodson, Hannah Garcia, Vanessa Gatlin, Haley Hawkins, Callie Helton, Shylinn Herrera, Israel Higareda, Preston Howard, Colten Hurley, Hannah Jobe, Natalie Kliewer, Nichole Leach, Joel Love, Kylee Mahaffey, Jacob Osenbaugh, Gabriella Patino, Denyel Peer, Rojelio Quiroa, Jaden Ross, Sage Saunders, Hunter Stanphill, Macee Stowers, Ashley Tackitt, Ryan Thoennes, Eric Trujillo, Clayton Wanagitis, Jack Whitaker, Amanda Wilson, and Chloe Wilson
Avery Appleton, Kaleigh Butler, Alaini Cadena, Torrance Carpenter, Kellie Clark, April Darling, Payton DeRevere, Tayler Duncan, Molly Espera, Hannah Gambill, Pressley Gann, Jency Gates, Taylor Germanetti, Tiffany Gibbs, Catlin Hopper, Brain Jobe, Kayla Johnson, Rylan Johnston, Sheridan Knight, Kristen Leach, Caitlyn Long, Brianna Mello, Madison Moses, Emily Powers, Gabryel Rice, Savannah Salters, Shane Smith, Taylor Stewart, Emily Sweet, Hayley Tuttle, Delayni Umfress, Karley Wanagitis, Hannah Wilcocks, Shelby Wren
Daniel Bartel, Samantha Bartel, Laci Beierle, Jenna Billington, Addison Blinn, Ryan Bozanich, Isabell Campbell, Bryce Carter, Porsche Clark, Tanner Collins, Charlise Deguzman, Alexis Diniz, Markus Fleischer, Arron Flores, Lauren Kaiser, Maycee Knight, Holly Lippincott, Donovan Macias, Diana Mariscal, Emily Mayall, Kalyn McCauley, Jadia Melton, John Montellano, Joe Morey, Isiah Ramirez, Jadyn Stanphill, Riley Supertino, Regan Walker, Megan Wegis and Ryan Zachary
Austin Bilik, Zach Cassidy, Josh Chernabaeff, Summer Darling, Vanesa Garcia, Sydney Henslee, Wesley Knippler-Cole, Chas McPheeters, Magdalina Musleh, Kali Putnam, Mallory Sutherland and Kirstie Wilcocks
Ashtin Blinn, Mayci Cavazos, Seth De La Rosa, Charlie Diniz, Brody Fuson, Katy Hodges, Tristyn Hopfe, Jack Johnson, Josie Judge, Grace Lippincott, Ivory Murrillo, Raul Ocampo, Madeline Pattison, Celeste Rickett, Payton Riley, Kiersten Snow, Madison Spickler
John Appleton, Alejandro Barajas, Meghan Barton, Marina Braun, Carter Collins, Isabella Comelli, Mckinnzie Dominguez, Molly Felgenhauer, Kyleigh Forster, Alexander Garner, Rachel Greene, Kala Hill, Brook Hurley, Andie Lawson, Emma Miller, Mason Norris, Kyleigh Pili- Reynolds, Brooke Pusaric, Rachel Ramey, Brooklyn Rodriguez, Brooklinn Sparks, HArper Spillers, Chance Sutherland, Mikaelyn Williams, Lark Yako
Isabella Actis, Lola Alcantar, Julia Appleton, Brooke Balgeman, Presley Ballengee, Ava Banducci, Natalie Castillo, Khyla Charles, Elise Cloyd, Zimmerman Denny, Grant Downs, Aubrey Henry, Isabella Lopez, Kristlynn Maddux, Addisyn Pemberton, Sadie Pumphrey, Gavin Riley, Hunter Wiebe
State Officers:

2012 - 2013 State Secretary: Kelcie Jones
(Far Right)
2006 - 2007
2007 - 2008
2008 - 2009
2009 - 2010
2010 - 2011
2011 - 2012
2012 - 2013
2013 - 2014
2014 - 2015
2015 - 2016
2016 - 2017
2022- 2023
Samantha Church
Samantha Church
Rachel Hicks
Chelsea Morris
Tino Rossi
Kelcie Jones
Sarah Clark
Madison Zittel
Bailey Hall
Sydney Manning
Kara Stark
Sage Clay
Katelyn Diniz
John Montellano
Mallory Sutherland
Kyleigh Forster
Brook Hurley
Past Chapter Presidents:
Robert Beechinor, John Antongiovanni, Jeff and Tami Marsh
Brent and Traci Banducci, Chuck Sears and Laura Hudson from Valley Feed, Ryan Gievet, Vicki Morris, Kathy Yantis
Bill and Julie Barnett, Susan Rutledge, David and Maryanne Church
Michael and Susan Spickler, Terrie Crane-Finch, Gordan "Tom" Dole
Claduette Johnson, Patty Clark, Angela Capetillo, Billy and Shannon Goldsberry
Crimson Resource Management, Dwight Plank, Dan Shannon, Mike and Christe Ford
Sabrina Moccardini, Brian & Bonnie Hall, Linda McPheeters, Nancy Keown
Dan Shannon, Paul and Kristine Hudson, Robert and Shary Smith, Rabobank - Deana Blaise
Terry and Cici Hibbits, Cal Prime - Kelly Hudson & Zach Forster, John and Cyndee Stark, Dr. Kip Glazer, Kern Machinery - Clayton Camp
Downs Equipment Rentals, INC, Cheryel Sherill, Maintenance Crew - FHS, Carrie Hargis
Andrew Love
Billy Barnes, Carla Stallworth
Brian Tuttle, Bryan Easter
Daniel and Amanda Bartel
Julie Beechinor and Ralph Mendes
Liz and Chris Diniz, Janean Johnson
Matt & CJ Chase and Janet & Jeff Sutherland
Honorary Chapter Members:
Top Boy & Girl:
Jayke Knight
Brittney Barnett
Jayke Knight
Samantha Church
Thomas Banducci
Chelsea Morris
Tino Rossi
Shannon Barnett
Nick Hastin
Madison Zittel
Chad Bloom
Kelcie Jones
Andrew Beard
Madison Zittel
Cameron Ford
Madison Zittel
Grant Rogers
Bailey Hall
Isiah Storar
Hannah Hawkesworth
Nick Hudson
Kara Stark
Trenton Carter
Katey Diniz
John Montellano
Katelyn Diniz
John Monetellano
Alexis Diniz
Grant Downs
Mallory Sutherland
Grant Downs
Brook Hurley
Alejandro Barajas
Brook Hurley
Past South Valley Sectional Officers:
American FFA Degree Recipients:
Kelcie Jones
Cameron Ford, Mallory Harrison, Brittany Whitesell
Ashley Holden
Bailey Hall
Karina Coe, Taylor Germanetti, Hannah Hawkesworth, Starr Hibbits, Brad Hudson, Nikolas Hudson, Tristan Hurley, Christopher Love, Sarah McClure, Micaela Palmer, Grant Rogers, Baylie Ruiz, Kara Stark, Dru Sutherland, and Branne Van Neman
Lauren Barber, Sarah Bartel, Lauren Botts, Sarah Branford, Kolyn Cargill, Trenton Carter, Holly Cecil, Bailey Dodson, Kaitlyn Garcia, Israel Higareda, Nichole Leach, Jacob Osenbaugh, Morgan Polm, Ethan Snow, and Mariah Walker
Lauryn Crist, Katelyn Diniz, Hannah Garcia, Tiffany Gibbs, Preston Howard, Colten Hurley, Joel Love, Kylee Mahaffey, Jaden Ross, Shane Smith, Macee Stowers, Eric Trujillo, and Amanda Wilson
Kellie Clark, Kayla Johnson, Sheridian Knight, Savannah Salters, Taylor Stewart, Hayley Tuttle, Hannah Wilcocks
Samantha Barton, Tanner Collins, Alexis Diniz, Maycee Knight, Weesley Knippler- Cole, John Montellano
Daniel Bartel, Joshua Chernabaeff, Summer Darling, Donovan Macias, Chas McPheeters, Mallory Sutherland
Tristyn Hopfe and Kyleigh Forster
2008 - 2009
2012 - 2013
2013 - 2014
2014 - 2015
2015 -2016
2016 - 2017
Sentinel: Chelsea Morris
President: Mallory Harrison
Secretary: Hannah Capetillo
Secretary: Taylor Gatlin
Treasurer: Cameron Ford
President: Cameron Ford
Treasurer: Aaron Moccardini
President: Grant Rogers
Vice President: Zane Jones
Secretary: Bailey Hall
Reporter: Sydney Manning
Treasurer: Isaiah Storar
President: Kara Stark
Vice President: Haylee Bruce
Secretary: Hannah Hawkesworth
President: Macee Stowers
President: Alexis Diniz
Reporter: Danel Bartel
Vice President: Mallory Sutherland
Reporter: Donovan Macias
Secretary: Grant Downs
Reporter: Brook Hurley
Vice Presdient: Julia Appleton
Past San Joaquin Regional Officers:
Past Chapter Officer Teams:
2006 - 2007
2007 - 2008
2008 - 2009
2009 - 2010
2010 - 2011
2011 - 2012
2012 - 2013
2013 - 2014
2014 - 2015
2015 - 2016
2016 - 2017
President: Samantha Church, Vice President: Chelsea Morris, Secretary: Brittney Barnett, Treasurer: Leah Hicks, Reporter: Lee Yantis, Sentinel: Jayke Night, Historian: Rachel Hicks, Chaplin: Nick Barton
President: Samantha Church, Vice President: Jayke Knight, Secretary: Chelsea Morris, Treasurer: Gina Holmes, Reporter: Matt Walker, Sentinel: Tino Rossi, Historian: Rachel Hicks, Sweetheart: Amanda Rudnick
President: Rachel Hicks, Jr/Sr Vice President: Samantha Church, Fr/Sp Vice President: Jayke Knight, Secretary: Leah Hicks, Treasurer: Thomas Banducci, Reporter: Tino Rossi, Sentinel: Cameron Leon Guerrero, Historian: Gina Holmes
President: Chelsea Morris, Jr/Sr Vice President: Gina Holmes, Fr/Sp Vice President: Thomas Banducci, Secretary: Megan Silva, Treasurer: Tino Rossi, Reporter: Shannon Barnett, Sentinel: Matthew Darr, Historian: Sarah Scheer
President: Tino Rossi, Jr/Sr Vice President: Erin Hayden, Fr/Sp Vice President: Sarah Scheer, Secretary: Kelcie Jones, Treasurer: Nick Hastin, Reporter: Sarah Clark, Sentinel: Chad Bloom, Historian: Mallory Harrison
President: Kelcie Jones, Jr/SrVice President: Mallory Harrison, Fr/Sp Vice President: Sarah Clark, Secretary: Kayla Manning, Treasurer: Chad Bloom, Reporter: Hannah Capetillo, Sentinel: Madison Zittel, Historian: Taylor Gatlin
President: Sarah Clark, Jr/Sr Vice President: Madison Zittel, Fr/Sp Vice President: Chad Bloom, Secretary: Mallory Harrison, Treasurer: Tyler Manning, Reporter: Jordyn Scheer, Sentinel: Aaron Moccardini, Historian: Jackie Willis
President: Madison Zittel, Jr/Sr Vice President: Cameron Ford, Fr/Sp Vice President: Tyler Manning, Secretary: Jackie Willis, Treasurer: Aaron Moccardini, Reporter: Andrew Beard, Sentinel: Sydney Manning, Historian: Lexie Smith
President: Bailey Hall, Jr/Sr Vice President: Aaron Moccardini, Fr/Sp Vice President: Sydney Manning, Secretary: Grant Rogers, Treasurer: Isaiah Storar, Reporter: Micaela Palmer, Sentinel: Cara Hayck, Historian: Averi Burton
President: Sydney Manning, Jr/Sr Vice President: Cara Huyck, Fr/Sp Vice President: Isaiah Storar, Secretry: Micaela Palmer, Treasurer: Kara Stark, Reporter: Haylee Bruce, Sentinel: Nick Hudson, Historian: Hannah Hawkesworth
President: Kara Stark, Jr/Sr Vice President: Hannah Hawkesworth, Fr/Sp Vice President:
Haylee Bruce, Secretary: Sage Clay, Treasurer: Nick Hudson, Reporter: Presley Cortez, Sentinel: Trenton Carter, Historian: Katey Diniz
President, Sage Clay
VP, Presley Cortez and Trenton Carter
Secretary, Katelyn Diniz
Treasurer, Israel Higareda
Reporter, Holly Cecil
Sentinel, Colten Hurley
Historian, Amanda Wilson
President, Katelyn Diniz
VP, Amanda Wilson and Hannah Wilcocks
Secretary, Kellie Clark
Treasurer, Tyler Perry
Reporter, Alexis Diniz
Sentinel, Isiah Ramirez
Historian, Daniel Bartel
President, Kellie Clark
VP, Hannah Wilcocks and John Montellano
Secretary, Alexis Diniz
Treasurer, Daniel Bartel
Reporter, Mallory Sutherland
Sentinel, Kirstie Wilcocks
Historian, Donovan Macias
President, John Montellano
VP, Alexis Diniz and Daniel Bartel
Secretary, Mallory Sutherland
Treasurer, Donovan Macias
Reporter, Kirstie Wilcocks
Sentinel, Mayci Cavazos
Historian, Magdalina Musleh
Mallory Sutherland, Mayci Cavasos, Kyleigh Forster, Brooklyn Rodriguez, Meghan Barton, Rachel Ramey, Brook Hurley
Kyleigh Forster, Payton Riley, Ashtin Blinn, Brooklyn Rodriguez, Brook Hurley, Julia Appleton, Grant Downs, Meghan Barton
President, Brook Hurley
Vice President, Alejandro Barajas and Brooklyn Rodriguez
Secretary, Julia Appleton
Treasurer, Grant Downs
Reporter, Bella Actis
Sentinel, Tara Dunn
Historian, Alexander Garner
President: Tino Rossi
South Valley Regional Vice President: Mallory Harrison,
Secretary: Kelcie Jones
Treasurer: Chad Bloom, Reporter: Hannah Capetillo
South Valley Regional Vice President: Madison Zittel
South Valley Regional Vice President: Aaron Moccardini
Reporter: Sage Clay
Sentinel: Nick Hudson
Secretary: Sage Clay
Reporter: Amanda Wilson
Treasurer: John Montellano
SV Vice President: Alexis Diniz
Sentinel: Daniel Bartel
Reporter: Brooklyn Rodriguez
SV Vice President: Grant Downs
2010 - 2011
2011 - 2012
2012 -2013
2013 - 2014
2014 - 2015
2016 - 2017
2017 - 2018

Proficiency & Star Finalists
Sectional Winners​
2020: Kayla Johnson (Equine Placement) & Sheridan Knight (Equine Entreprenuership)
2021: Wesley Cole (Star Placement)
2022: Josh Chernabaeff (Ag Processing)
2023: Kyleigh Forster (Goat Production)
Regional Winners
2020: Savannah Salters (Sheep Production)
2021: Tanner Collins (Beef Production), Samantha Barton (Dairy Production), Riley Supertino (Equine Entreprenuership)
2022: Ragean Cole (Equine Etreprenuership)
2023: Kyleigh Forster (Star Farmer)
2024: Brook Hurley (Sheep Production)
State Winners
2021: Wesley Cole (Beef Production)
2022: Chas McPheeters (Wildlife Production)
2023: Kyleigh Pili- Reynolds (Ag Sales Entreprenuership)