Classes Offered
Agriscience Pathway
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR)
AFNR is a one year course designed to integrate science practices and knowledge into the practice of agriculture and the FFA organization. The course introduces students to the range of agricultural opportunities and the pathways of study they may pursue. Science, mathematics, reading, and writing components are woven in the context of agriculture and students use the introductory skills and knowledge developed in this course throughout the CASE curriculum. This course will also serve as an introduction to FFA. Freshmen only. Meets UC/CSU A-G requirements.
Agricultural Biology
Agriculture Biology is a one year course designed to integrate biological science practices and knowledge into the practice of sustainable agriculture. The course explores sustainable agriculture and how it fits into our environment, discovers molecular biology principles that guide sustainable agriculture, and discusses how we make decisions to maximize sustainable agricultural practices within a functioning ecosystem. Within each unit specific life science principles will be identified with agricultural principles. Sophomores only. Meets UC/CSU A-G requirements.
Agriculture Chemistry
This course explores the physical and chemical nature of soil as well as the relationships between soil, plants, animals and agricultural practices. Students will examine properties of soil and land and their connections to plant and animal production. Meets UC/CSU A-G requirements. Students must have taken Algebra 2 first.
Animal Science Pathway
Veterinary Science
Veterinary Science is a one year course designed to develop students understanding of the large, small and companion animal industry, animal anatomy and physiology, animal nutrition, animal reproduction, animal ethics and welfare issues, animal health, veterinary medicine, veterinary office practices, and animal services to humans. Since FFA and Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs (SAEPs) are integral components of this course, students are suggested to maintain SAEP’s, and be a member of the FFA while participating in activities of the FFA organization.
Agricultural Business Pathway
Agricultural Government and Economics
This course meets the requirements for Economics and Government. This is a college preparatory course for students interested in pursuing agricultural studies in college, with emphasis on the application of democratic, civic and economic principles to agricultural practices. Since this is an agricultural education course, students will also participate in leadership development and create a supervised agricultural experience program. Once enrolled in this course, students will automatically become members of the FFA, which is an intra-curricular youth leadership program for high schools students. Meets graduation requirement for Government and Economics.
Agricultural Communications
The Agriculture Communications course is designed for those seeking to further develop their critical thinking skills. The curriculum consists of integrated performance activities that will assist students as they prepare for the future. A component of the class will also allow students to develop debate skills, employment skills, and increase self-awareness.
Ornamental Horticulture Pathway
The Elements and Principles of Floral Design
This course meets the UC/CSU “F” requirement for Visual and Performing Arts. This course emphasizes the necessary knowledge and skills to provide the student with an understanding of artistic perception, creative expression, historical and cultural context(s), and applications of the visual arts. Through practical skill development, the student will also become familiar with material selection, design mechanics, maintenance, and design evaluation.
Introduction to Agricultural Mechanics
Introduction to Agricultural Mechanics is an elective course. The course is a year long course which is designed to introduce the student to basic shop skills necessary to develop a well rounded agricultural mechanics program. Throughout the course, students will be graded on participation in intracurricular FFA activities as well as the development and maintenance of an ongoing Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program.