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What is FFA:

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California FFA: 

California FFA is a high school youth leadership and career development organization that is a chartered association of the National FFA Organization, a federally charted corporation under Public Law 105-225. The California Association currently serves over 80,000 student members in over 320 high schools, from urban schools in Los Angeles and the Bay Area to rural schools all across the state. The California FFA Association is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through Agricultural Education.

History and Statistics of California FFA:

California FFA Membership
Today, there are more than 104,000 FFA members, in 338 High Schools and Middle Schools in California.


  • 46% of FFA members are female; women hold more than 50% of state leadership positions.

  • 53% of our membership is Hispanic; 48% is Caucasian and 3% is African-American.

  • 97% of FFA members are in grades 9-12; 3% are high school graduates.

  • Nationally, the top five membership states are Texas, California, Georgia, Oklahoma and Missouri.


Education - California
More than 1,000 FFA advisors and agriculture teachers deliver an integrated model of Agricultural Education             providing students with innovative and leading-edge education, enabling them to grow into competent leaders.


  • Agricultural Education Departments offer Agriscience, Agricultural Mechanics, Ornamental Horticulture, Animal Science, Agricultural Business, Plant and Soil Science, Forestry and Natural Resources.

  • In 2011 Agricultural Education Departments offered more than 1,400 classes that met the California A-G University Admission Requirements.


Career Exploration - National
FFA classroom activities include math and science as well as hands-on work experience and the development of life skills, helping members discover their career path and realize success.

  • Collectively, FFA members earn more than $4 billion annually through their hands-on work experience.

  • Members participate and learn advanced career skills in 49 national proficiency areas based on their hands-on work experiences ranging from agricultural communications and food science and technology to turf grass management and wildlife production and management.

  • According to a student magazine readership study, 87% of our students are interested in learning about career exploration, 81% about college preparation and 81% about technology.

  • Through 25 national career development events and one activity, FFA members are challenged to real-life, hands-on tests of skills used to prepare them for more than 300 careers in agriculture.


Industry Support - National 
In 2014, corporate sponsors and individuals provided more than $23 million in financial support to FFA to support agricultural programs and activities and offer scholarships.

  • The National FFA Foundation has raised more than $200 million for the National FFA Organization since 1944.

  • More than 3,000 sponsors and individual donors provided more than $19 million for FFA and agricultural programs and activities in 2013.

  • In 2014, 126 sponsors provided more than 1,700 individual scholarships worth more than $2.2 million through the National FFA Organization.

  • To date, more than $36 million in FFA collegiate scholarships have been awarded to students pursuing higher education.

  • In 2012, American FFA Degree recipients earned and productively invested a total of $103 million through their supervised agricultural experience programs.

  • At the National FFA Convention & Expo, the exhibit halls utilize more than 225,000 net square feet, attracting more than 400 exhibitors and vendors.

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